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When you feel strangers close to you ♥ | My first post in English

Hello Eniways Readers,

This is going to be my first post in English, mainly because I’m not confident enough to write in English. It’s not sophisticated enough in my opinion, however I’m working in it for years now.

So the story I wanted to share, is that I’m following some travel, cultural and inspirational influencers, and they have created facebook groups and formed real communities. People are getting together internationally now. So I felt like sharing my story with them. And I have received so many positive an encouraging feedbacks, that I wanted to show you that the phrase it indeed true: ‘We are all together in this’. Humanity needs to feel togetherness more than ever. And sometimes you get it from the least expected places..

And what is my story?  The Hungarian readers already know it, in fact the majority of them are following this blog and my facebook page for this reason. The easiest is if I share the post I’ve posted in two different groups: Khalid’s World Group and HYPER HUMANS by Project Nightfall.




And hereby a selection of my favourite comments: 







  • My Stroke self-help Facebook group is 4 years old on the 13th of October with 2765 members and counting. I have created it with 2 fellow Stroke survivors, Gabriella Sarkadi, the leader of the Strokeinfo Foundation, and Gábor Kocsis, the writer of the Use it! blog. The idea came up after the shooting of a TV interview where we spoke. Our group is made for the Stroke affected people: survivors and caregivers. When we launched the group we helped them with our articles, from my old Stroke blog, and from their websites. We have mixed feeling about the numerous member, on one hand we are happy to welcome them and first handedly tell them about our experiences. But at the same time it makes us sad, because more and more people need this frontier group in Hungary..  We are losing some members from time to time, and it just can’t be processed.. Over the years it became a self-help group, and our members are helping one another now with useful tips for the recovery process and for life as a stroke survivor. This kind of brain injury became a global risk during the last decades. It can affect anyone regardless of the age, race, gender, location. We are trying to raise awareness and hold a torch for those who are in darkness. 
  • I received countless comments and likes, all the comments were beautifully encouraging, I only shared the most interesting ones. Here is the evidence that a person doesn’t have to be physically close to you to support you and to become friends with you. Facebook can be a genius invention if we are using it well.
  • This story with the blog post and the comments reminded me for who I am, because I constantly forget it. After nearly 6 years during the rushing life, where I have to face everyday problems, I tend to forget that I’m a fighter who recovered from a lethal disease. Therefore I can solve these tiny-looking problems that are coming up daily. So never forget who you are and what did you go through, and the experiences that shaped you to be the person who you are today! 




Thanks for reading, which country are you with me from? :)♥

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About Eni

2008 óta foglalkozom rövidebb cikkek írásával. Az élet nagyszerű témákat szolgáltat, és sokan szeretik is olvasni, amiket írok. Mostantól minden írásom megtalálható itt, egy helyen. [ENGLISH]: I'm writing shorter articles since 2008. Life provides great topics, and a lot of people like, what I write. All my writings can be found here, from now on.

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